Entertainment Fashion

Markus Paterson and Nicole Grimalt hailed as BNY’s NextGen Ambassadors

The long wait was finally concluded. After rounding up different cities in the Philippines and trimming down the finalist from thousands to twenty, Markus Paterson (Baguio) and Nicole Grimalt (Metro Manila) was finally hailed as the next BNY’s NextGen Ambassadors 2016.

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Runner’s Kitchen: A Runners Haven

Running away from restaurants that offers fatty, unhealthy foods, but is totally delicious is something hard for me to do, especially if I don’t have any other choices. And with my busy schedule, I tend to make the cravings gone by hitting a very accessible fast food chain. I know lot of you can relate to that.

But what if you’ve been given a go-to-place where you can enjoy dining with healthy organic food without compromising the taste? Will you consider it?

If your answer was a big Yes! Then continue reading.

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