Entertainment Grooming & Pampering Lifestyle

3 Steps on how I get my hair done + Enrique Gil for Grips Hair Wax and Hair Clay

Every guy (for sure) has experienced a bad hair day. It may not be frequent but the feeling of uneasiness sometimes tend to be seen or reflected to an individuals day activities. There are some (like me) who used to spend an hour or two in front of the mirror just to get that perfect look. We just can’t be used to the old ways of just combing your hair then it’s done. Nowadays a touch of flare is something that is needed.

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Fashion Lifestyle

Achieving Different Hair-Style Everyday with Grips

I’m generally not a gel-guy, Im a person who loves to use a cap rather than having long hours fixing my hair. But with the new lifestyle I have, doing things that somehow consume some time becomes an obligation, including getting my hair done. So trying out new brands specially for the hair should be very meticulously done.

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