
Things to Consider when Booking for a Holiday Staycation (The Cirque Serviced Residences)

Who doesn’t love celebrations? Almost every month of the year we would find ourselves celebrating a moment, whether it be for birthdays, graduations, reunions, holidays and a lot more. I am always looking forward to these kinds of moments where memories are being created and shared with my love ones.

But one thing that most of the people hate about celebrations is the after party. I am not talking about the party where people, goes to a place and continue the celebration, what I am talking about is literally the after party situation or the mess that’s produced after the event took place. That’s an added problem to the before party preparation. And If you are hosting the party, well, you’ll probably be too busy managing everything at the event you wouldn’t be able to really enjoy it.

That is the reason why celebrating an occasion in a rented place or hotel room has now become an in thing. I myself favor to this idea. Just imagine the mess one celebration could create especially if I held it in my place. That could be a disaster. Also, having a really small space wouldn’t be an ideal venue for a party even for small circle of friends.

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Lifestyle Travel

The Cirque Serviced Residences in Circulo Verde – More than just a Hotel Room

There are only a few places in Quezon City that I know off that I can consider a place that could instantly bring me to somewhere else, places that I can feel like I was being teleported to another dimension. I did not mean it literally but I guess it was the feeling plus its unique ambiance made me feel like I already left the city.

One good example is whenever I visit Ninoy Aquino Park near Quezon City Circle. It is like a hidden jungle inside the city. Even it is located across the busy streets of North and Quezon Avenue, its vast areas populated with trees and animals covers up the bustling sound of the city.

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