Advocacy Food Promo

Bread Origins through Tinapay Natin – Pinoy bread Baking Competition

I grew up eating Putok, Kalihim, Pan de Coco, Pagong, Pan de Bonete, Tasty, Binangkal and the likes, which I think most millennials doesn’t even have an idea what I am talking about. It’s bread guys, Filipino breads. And if you haven’t had a chance to experience it, well you better go out and check out the nearest ‘Panaderia’ in your area.

Filipino palette have evolved from the old school bakery to European pastry shops sprouting across the city. But still, we cannot deny the fact that for us, Pinoy breads is something special, that even there are exaggerated options, you would still find a normal Filipino (like me) enjoying a hot coffee and Pan de Sal (Pan de sal means “bread of salt” in Spanish) early in the morning. And guess what, what goes behind the (bread) story, is even more fascinating.

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Max’s Restaurant 70 years of #SaraptotheBones Moment

I’m not fond of attending fancy events, but the invitation recently is something not to be missed, not just because this once a legacy but also because of the line “Sarap to the bones!” I bet you already know what I’m talking about, right?

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