Innovations & Technology Press Release

Getting Up Close with the Samsung Galaxy S8 with

Samsung has been stepping up its game since the amazingly breathtaking innovation of the curved screen in Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, and S6 Edge Plus, and they have not taken a step back. Now, it is up for the Samsung Galaxy s8 to impress us. The Appearance The Samsung Galaxy S8 is the first of […]

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Grooming & Pampering Lifestyle

Inside: 4-in-1 Dermairis Mask now available in Manila

It was always a hidden wonder to us [Filipinos] how Korean’s achieve that no-pores kind of look. A lot of people say it is because of the weather, some says its genes, the rest might say it is because of the food or the product they are using. This could be one of the reasons why whenever a Korean brand launches here in Manila, it is easily patronized by the public. It is a hit, in short.

Well, I couldn’t blame anyone here, after all, most of the products are really top notch.

A few days ago, a new brand was launched here in Manila and is expected to be a talk of the town. Continue reading and will tell you more about this.

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