Food Lifestyle

Spring into the Season with Tenya Tempura Tendon limited edition Supreme Black Tiger Tendon

The day when I step foot in Japan was still fresh in my memories. It wasn’t a long time ago and the eagerness to go back keeps on lurking into me. I guess, that country is just something that has been close to my heart ever since. It was almost winter when I visited Japan. I am hoping that in my return, I would be spotting pink soft petals floating on the ground which would only mean one thing – it’s sakura season. During this time of the year, people enjoy hanami, the tradition of viewing the beauty of cherry blossoms. It is a short-lived yet a truly magical moment for everyone to enjoy.

To cope up with the situation, as much as I could I try to look for destinations in Manila that could somehow connect me to Japan. In one of this days, I was able to visit a restaurant named Tenya Tempura Tendon. It wasn’t my first dining in this place but it was the first time I heard that they are offering a limited edition dishes at Tenya Tempura Tendon branches from March 28 to May 31, 2019.

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