
It’s a Buy-1-take-1 Pizza on CPK’s National Pizza Day

Pizza has never been this fun! Specially if you’re going to have another one for free!

I had the best time enjoying the company of blogger friends at California Pizza Kitchen’s (CPK) Greenbelt 5 branch as we experience a preview of the upcoming National Pizza Day this coming August 13, 14, and 15, 2014. Thats 3 days of Pizza overload at CPK! National Pizza Day coincides with the opening date of the first CPK in the Philippines.That’s 17 years of serving California-style cuisines to Filipinos. Since 2012, National Pizza Day has been very popular to its patrons and with its success, Archie Rodriguez, President and CEO of Global Restaurant Concepts Inc., and the whole team decided that this year with the commemoration of their thanksgiving, making it a three day event in all CPK locations in the Philippines.

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