8 Things You Should Know About Satoshi Nakamoto, the Bitcoin creator

Satoshi Nakamoto and top 15 crypto kings

Although Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency in the world, its creator still remains a mystery. All we know about him is his pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. No one has any idea why someone who succeeded in creating something so successful chooses to keep his identity a secret. It continues to puzzle news reports and digital currency enthusiasts to this day.

1. Although his identity may be a mystery, his net worth isn’t. Researchers have discovered that Nakamoto’s account holds around 1 million bitcoins, which would put him in the top 100 most wealthy people in the world.

At the present date, this equates to around $8.2 billion, which is $3 billion more than what  bitfortune.net infographic reports to be the net worth of Ethereum founder Joseph Lubin. (Check the image below)

Of course, his exact worth in fiat money greatly depends on the value of Bitcoin, but it is safe to say he has a rather full bank account. 

2. The pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto came about when an email was sent in 2008 to a cryptogenic mailing list, with his name signed on the bottom. The email contained the whitepaper for Bitcoin, and because of the name, many people believed that the person behind the email was Japanese.

3. Despite his incredible wealth, until now Satoshi has actually only spent around 0.005% of it, which works out to be around 500 bitcoins. Experts were able to retrieve this information by taking a look at the transactions that were recorded on the Bitcoin ledger.

4. Some people think that Satoshi Nakamoto isn’t a single person at all, but rather a group of people behind the pseudonym. This is because it seems almost impossible that the creation of Bitcoin was achieved by just one man.

5. It is believed that Satoshi Nakamoto has never spoken to a user on the phone or in person, instead preferring to use emails or forums to get his thoughts across.

6. Some people believe that Satoshi is actually a group of collaborating companies, possibly Samsung, Toshiba, Nakamichi, and Motorola.

7. There are a few people in the Department of Homeland Security who know Nakamoto’s real name, but it is unlikely that this will be revealed outside of the department.

8. Satoshi was nominated for a Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences by Bhagwan Chowdhry back in 2015. It was at this point that people began to realize just how much skill it took to create the coin.  

It’s likely that we’ll never discover who Bitcoin’s mysterious creator really is, as no one has really heard much about him since he stepped out of public view. It doesn’t look like he plans on revealing himself any time soon, so it’s safe to say that his identity will still remain in the realm of speculation in the many years to come.


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