What PHP 200 can buy at Generika Drugstore?

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Generika Drugstore has the goal to improve the overall well being of more Filipinos by providing accessible healthcare products and additional services.

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I’ve been one of the lucky guys that at my age of mid-30s is still haven’t taken any serious medicine. And I’m very thankful to GOD for that. But I know for the fact, that I may not need one (yet), one of my family members will surely do in the near future.

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First time to get a result 140/110.Waahhhhh!!! Bawal na ang Pork!

Health is a serious talk, just like medication. And medicines are getting too expensive nowadays. As the famous commercial line says “Bawal Magkasakit” is truly something one should always live in. Being sick or having a serious disease means you will need to spend money to get better, and maybe not just hundreds, but lots of it.

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But guess what, I just recently discover that my Php 200 can get a long way in getting medicine, specially if your buying at Generika Drugstore.

I have known Generika Drugstore for a very long time, having over 630 stores nationwide; one can basically spot on a branch. Generika Drugstore is driven by an enduring social purpose: To help create nation where every family can afford their basic healthcare needs.

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At the event held at Fairmont, Generika made us experience how easy and affordable it is to get a generic brand meds, along with it was the introduction of new services they were offering.

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It was a surprise to me that with Php 200 I’ve already got 20 pcs of B-Complex worth Php 85 and 50 pcs of Multivitamins worth Php 100.00. One of the good things in the transaction is that Generica pharmacists doesn’t just dispense drugs, they provide customers with expert advice.

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At its core, Gabay Generika is a new line of value-adding PLUS services that include free blood pressure monitoring, affordable mobile laboratory offerings, and blood sugar testing. But the most important aspect of Gabay Generika is the Gamot Guide – a printed reminder for customers to help them understand how to better take their medicine. Combined with free patient consultations, customers will be equipped with all the information they need to safely and effectively use their medications.

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This passion for patient-well being is best exemplified by Generika’s own Actimed brand. This line of generic medications is of the highest quality and is sourced only from reputable manufacturers here and abroad.

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Generika’s advocacies for better healthcare extendes with MEDPadala, an innovative digital service that can help Filipinos from across the globe provide for their family’s healthcare needs. Through a web platform, gift certificates can be purchased and sent via SMS or email. Now I can be able to send some medicines and vitamins for my mom and dad, even to my grandparents who were living in Pangasinan.

The GC is also available in every Generika outlet, and via partners such as LBC, Ventaja PayRemit, PayVenue, Ayannah, Beam and Go, and many more.

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To know more about MEDpadala, simply visit http://medpadala.com.ph and for more information about Generika Drugstore and Gabay Generika visit http://www.generika.com.ph/. Here’s a photo where I won Php 2000.00 worth of medicine! 

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How much do you spend for your medicine?

Until our next discovery in the City!
またね Mata ne! 
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