Dark Room

cosplay L of death note

Hey there! Hope your doing well! I’m actually so excited to share to you the  2nd set of the photo shoot I did at Photomark Lightworks Studios at Gilmore, New Manila. It was  a fantastic collaboration with the brand and it did bring up great results. To know more about Photomark Lightwork Studios you can check out this post –> Create Wonderful Memories with Photomark Lightworks Inc.

cosplay L of death note

Can you guess who am I internalizing here? Yup! you are correct, was actually thinking of “L” from the popular Japanese mangaDeath Note“. Thou I was thinking of projecting a more upscale version in full black, minus the eyeliner and long hair but remaining that meticulous and secretive look. Maybe I should try cosplaying him soon … what do you think?

cosplay L of death note cosplay L of death note cosplay L of death note

What I’m wearing:

Sweater from Penshoppe

Pants from Bench

and a lot of Self Confidence (Lol!)

cosplay L of death note

I just love this set! hahaha natuwa lang ako sa resulta! Thank you Photomark Lightworks Staff and Crew , you did a good job!

cosplay L of death note

Also do check my first set here —> (Duplicity).

cosplay L of death note

What could be my next concept? Any suggestions? Do you like to have a free photo-shoot like this one? Send me your thoughts about it. I could be a genie in disguise to grant that wish!

Until our next Photoshoot in the City!
またね Mata ne!