Travel Via Sea

2go travel rodel flordeliz

✪ Recently, I got a chance to breath the fresh air of the sea and escape from the busy streets of Manila and visit one of the oldest cities in the Philippines, which are Ilo-Ilo and Bacolod. I have documented my travel along with some of my blogger friends and newly acquired friends that I have the chance to journey with in our 3 day tour via Ship. It was great journey with fun nights under the cosy hotel like accommodation we had  while travelling. We also had the chance to enter the captains deck, and learn about how a ship traverse in the vast ocean. It was indeed an amazing expirience!

rodel flordeliz

What Im wearing:

Stripes Polo Shirt and Walking Shorts from The Ramp Crossings ;

Canvass Shoes from Converse;

Accessories from SM Accessories ヅ

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You can check out my post about the 3 day travel in this 3 article post.

Part 01: Getting to know St. Michael The Archangel
Part 02: Our journey to Ilo-Ilo & Bacolod
Part 03: Tribute to all my new blogger Friends

Heres a series of photos captured from the adventures I had going to Ilo-Ilo & Bacolod. Enjoy!

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2go travel

2go tourist cabin

bbq park

molo church

molo church


ilo ilo

maskarra festival


The Ruins

Have you tried travelling via ship? What can you say about my photos? What could be the best attire you could wear riding the sea vessel?  Send me your thoughts about it!  ♣
Until our next trip in the City!
またね Mata ne!