#AromaAway the Stress with Danarra Aromatherapy Oil in 6 refreshing fragrances
I’ll admit it, I’m a sucker for liniments and soothing balms. Honestly speaking, I got more than a handful of products at home, which I use in different moments. I got those that I keep on my pockets or purse, and those that I just leave a home for general use. Aside that I love how it smelled, the liniments also relaxes me especially on those very stressful times. When I got headaches or muscle aches, I usually tend in using soothing balms rather than drinking meds. I guess I inherited this habit not just from my mom but also even to my grandparents (remember Aciete de Manzanilla and Omega Pain Killer). The most common scent used for these balms is the camphor or menthol scent. Some find relaxation in them but there are many users who would wish for smells that aren’t as overbearing. And I do agree on that.…
Rodel Flordeliz