
Gee Canlas is Hillarious! GEE TV, Your Dose of Crazy

Joke time!!! What would you call a very funny mountain?

If you haven’t got the answer correctly, scroll down and find it!

Well I know, I’m not good in cracking jokes but I know some one who can. Meet the new breed of comedy Superstar – Gee Canlas, who started as a host/radio dj and also known as an actress and a model and yup, a speedtalker! Swoosh!


“The thing that I love most about acting sis that you can step out of your self and create new mannerisms and characters. It gives me an excuse to be crazy, sentimental, cooky, goofy,” says Gee.”

It was the first time that I met Gee Canlas, personally on her launch last week, and damn she is really a speed talker! She actually nice to sit with us (bloggers) for a few minutes and manages to entertain everyone at the event.

But this wasn’t the first time i’ve known her, for before I was invited to watch her live, I’m already is a fan of her videos online which I’ve seen first through our mutual friend, Gino Jose, who is in fact the director of her shorts.

She is HILL-ARIOUS! Making me wanted to see more of her videos. And whats good about the show is it’s very relatable, picking topics that are current and putting in some funny twist on it.

Gee Canlas and Zion

Funny is the new sexy, indeed. An undeniable wit that can make either men or women swap good looks for good laughs. And if your up for some good laughs. Check out the new season of GEE TV showcasing various millennial issues that everyone can relate to .

With Gus and Mark

The online variety hub runs from 2 to 5 minutes and new episode is available for viewing every Wednesday at 8pm.

Directed by Gino Jose from Indioboy Productions
Writen by Luigi Gonzales (Indioboy)
And produce by Darlene Catly malimas (Audtodidact Films)

Visit www.geetv.online or www.youtube.com/geetvofficial

So, What do you call a very funny mountain? Comment on the box below! Let’s see you spotted the answer. Now make me laugh?

Until our next discovery in the City!
またね Mata ne! 
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