Penshoppe Gets lucky with Lucky Blue Smith
After the success of the International Ambassadors Kendall Jenner, Sean O' Pry, Sandara Park and Mario Maurer's campaigns, the International brand, Penshoppe, now announces the launch of its Spring/Summer 2016 collection and a new face to hit the major billboards of the metro, the newest member of TEAM PENSHOPPE - Lucky Blue Smith. It was announced at a party held at The Palace Pool club a few days ago and was attended by big names in the fashion industry, media and bloggers as well. Currently one of the hottest and most-followed male models in the industry today, Lucky Blue Smith is the epitome of cool. His iconic platinum blonde hair, chiseled features and icy baby blues make it now wonder that he has won the hears of many fans - 1.9 million on Instagram, to be exact - all around the globe. Just recently Lucky Blue was hailed by as the…
Rodel Flordeliz