Teens fleeing from Facebook
Digital expert looks into the trend, sees opportunity for mobile messaging apps Facebook made a rather staggering confession during its Q3 earnings call recently. David Ebersman, Facebook’s chief financial officer said, “We did see a decrease in daily users specifically among younger teens. We wanted to share this with you now because we get a lot of questions about it.” To a certain extent, the exodus may have been brought about by moms, dads, titos (uncles) and titas (aunts) invading Facebook walls of teenagers and generally – bursting their personal digital bubbles. A Facebook country like the Philippines may not have been safe from all this diaspora. So, what are teens up to these days? If you are on a smart phone, and probably wouldn’t want to broadcast the daily happenings of your life to everyone in your feed, then you must be in one of the many messaging…
Rodel Flordeliz