PHILIP – Lifestyle Guy! New Sunday Show on TV5
Here's another reason to stay at home before the sun sets to noontime. TV5's newest lifestyle program Philip – Lifestyle Guy will air its initial telecast on October 27, 2013, Sunday, 11 a.m. to 12 noon. Hosted by the veteran PR practitioner, Philip Abadicio, this program is set to pave way for lifestyle to be more interesting and within reach of all Filipinos. Philip Abadicio has always been associated with the success of the products and brands he launched for his clients. As a PR practitioner, he established RPA & Communicate where he mastered the ropes of the lifestyle industry. Thus, it gave him the chance to hobnob with some of the country’s known celebrities in society, showbiz, business, politics and media. It also brought out the friendliest and most intuitive side of his personality as captured on-cam in his latest quest as lifestyle TV host on TV5’s News channel, Aksyon TV.…
Rodel Flordeliz