The Joyful Secret Behind Surprises
Did you know that surprises make people remarkably happier? Surprises have, indeed, powerful effects. Psychologist Norbert Schwarz conducted a classic study where it was found that a small but pleasant surprise, such as finding 10 cents, uplifts a person’s mood. Schwarz repeatedly placed a coin near a copy machine where it can be easily seen. When the subjects who found the coin were surveyed shortly thereafter, their overall satisfaction with life was significantly higher than those who did not find the coin. While the study was conducted at a time when a coin can buy more than it does today, the basic conclusion is that even a tiny, pleasant surprise can improve one’s disposition. “It’s not the value of what you find. It’s that something positive happened to you,” stressed Schwarz. Whether you’re a kid or a grown up, you will not be able to resist the joy and pleasure…
Rodel Flordeliz