Are You A Digital Rock Star?
Wazzup! ✪ You may not write songs like the Beatles, exhibit guitar wizardry like Eddie Van Halen or even dish out classics like Led Zeppelin – heck, you may not even know any of the people we mentioned but still you can’t pass for having the charm of One Direction – but it doesn’t matter. As long as you’ve got insane digital design skills, then you are just the kind of rock star we need. PONY Footwear, the brand that sports and music rock icons have built, is once again on a mission to find the most talented digital design artists and maverick video filmmakers for this year’s PONY SHOW OFF! Digital Film and Poster Art Competition. Already on its third year, the ongoing search runs only until October 15, 2013. The first two years already saw amazing cash prizes and awesome Pony shoes given away to the winning designers and…
Rodel Flordeliz